Halloween safety tips for pets

Safety Tips and Sweet Treats for a Happy Howl-oween!

Halloween is an amazing time for fun and creativity to reign. This is the time of year for clever costumes, lots of candy and other goodies, and of course plenty of people over for parties or trick or treating!  While this all may sound ideal for your human contingent, your pets may not be as happy about Halloween as you are. Here are a few safety tips to help keep your furry family safe and happy, as well as enjoy the most out of your holiday.

Trick or Treating Safety Tips

One of the great parts of Halloween is the trick or treating! Whether you enjoy taking your kids out or handing out treats to the those visiting your house, trick or treating is a big part of the Halloween tradition. For those who stay home and hand out candy, you can keep your pets safe by keeping them away from the opening and closing door. If they’re not able to get to the door, they can’t escape into the night! Parents of the trick or treaters are also wary of having a stranger’s dog greeting their children, so be mindful of the social level of your pooch. Dogs who are easily scared or skittish should probably avoid greeting small children.

For those going out trick or treating, you may be tempted to take your dog walking with you on your rounds. That’s not always the best idea for Fido, though, and safety should be the priority not only for your human family, but for your furry friend too. The greater amount of people and heavier traffic than normal may be upsetting or even dangerous to your dog if they escape your grip.

If you absolutely feel you can’t have a good trick or treat night without your pooch, remember to use reflective safety gear and attach a light to your dog’s collar. Don’t take your dog up to the door, in case there is a dog at the house you’re visiting who doesn’t get along well with others. Bring plenty of treats for your dog to keep them out of the kids’ candy bags.

Keep Fido Away from Treats for Humans

This time of year can be very tempting, filled with all types of candy and baked goods. It’s a delicious way to celebrate a holiday! Sadly, many of the treats made for humans are toxic to pets. Keep your dogs, cats, and other animals away from:

  • Chocolate
  • Raisins
  • Anything with Xylitol – xylitol is an artificial sweetener that can be found in many human treats, but is extremely toxic to pets. Go to the emergency vet immediately if your pet ingests anything containing this sweetener.
  • Sugar, in small amounts, can cause vomiting or diarrhea. If your pet ingests large amounts, call your vet immediately or call the ASPCA Poison Control Number (888) 426-4435 for advice.

Keep your dog out of the trick or treats bowl by giving them something special for their own howl-iday treat! Try making these Pumpkin Peanut Butter Treats! There are a lot of recipes out there, so try a few! It is best to use canned pumpkin, but you can certainly use real pumpkin if you prepare it correctly. Don’t use an old Jack O’Lantern, especially if you used a candle inside.

Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Treats


2 ½ cups whole wheat flour

2 eggs

½ cup canned pumpkin

2 tbsp peanut butter

½  tsp salt

½ tsp cinnamon (optional)

  1. Preheat oven to 350℉ (175℃)
  2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Add a tablespoon of water at a time if the dough is too crumbly. It should be a rather dry and stiff dough. Either roll into a ½ inch thick log and cut into discs, or roll out the dough and cut out shapes.
  3. Bake until the treats are hard- about 40 minutes.

Costumes for Pets

It can be very tempting to dress your pet in a costume. After all, they’re part of the family and should have some fun too! Most pets don’t respond well to having costumes put on, though, and some pets will hurt themselves if not properly supervised. Anything that fastens around their neck needs to be as loose or looser than their collar, with an easy to break away tie or clip in case your pet’s costume gets caught. Velcro is acceptable, but be cautious of the startling noise it will make when you remove it!

You can buy a lot of pre-made costumes, but one way to ensure your pet’s safety while costumed is to make the costume yourself! There are a lot of DIY options out there, and this video has a few ideas for easy to create, simple, and safe costumes for your dog. Always measure for the costumes with a little extra room, to ensure your dog doesn’t feel trapped.

Remember to avoid glitter, sequins, and beads that can be licked or chewed off of the costume. Dogs aren’t as discerning of items they should and should not eat, so make sure your costume is pet friendly in every way.

Get Your Dog Walking In During The Holidays

Are you looking at your calendar for this upcoming holiday season and wondering where you’ll find the time to keep up your regular dog walking routine? If you’re in Broomfield, Lafayette, or Louisville, Colorado, call Off Road Paws today to see how our doggie specialists can make your holidays a little easier with our regular dog walking service. Off Road Paws does dog walking, trail running, and even daytime pet sitting for all types of pets. Our doggie specialists are veterinarian trained for emergencies, and have hours of training with dogs of all types and temperaments.

If you want to know more about what services we offer, check out our services page! To get started today, you can contact us here.

Happy Howl-oween!